We are a church that welcomes you to come and be part of the family.  We believe that God the Father has put us here to love one another and share His love with our community.  We strive to obey the LORD Jesus Christ and make disciples as well as teach all the He commanded.  We invite you to join us for worship.

The word "Ebenezer" comes from the Hebrew descent meaning "helping stone". (1 Samuel 7:12)

We strive to be just that, a help to those who are hungry for the Word of God.  Through worship, prayer, and fellowship, we seek God's guidance in deepening and creating relationships with Him and each other.  Here at Ebenezer, you are always welcome!

Service Times

Sunday Worship:  9:30am

Sunday morning worship service is live streamed on our Facebook page.  Sermons are available on youtube.  Links are below.  

Facebook Youtube

Join us at Ebenezer Church as we grow closer in a more personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ through Worship, Fellowship & Exploritory & Topical study of God's Word. 

We are a Bible Believing, Bible Teaching church and believe that there is one true God with three distinct attributes; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit otherwise fully known as The Trinity. 

We invite you to come home to Ebenezer.

Tuesday Morning Adult Bible Study:  9:30am

Wednesday Evening:  (Kingdom Kidz, Nitro Youth, Adult Bible Study):  6:30pm

2nd Saturday of the Month: "Iron Sharpens Iron", (Men's Breakfast):  7:30am